Formed: Athens, Georgia 1993 Genre: Sludge Metal Originally from Georgia, ear-blasting sludge band JUCIFER has been constantly touring since the early 2000s. After five albums, two EPs, and three DVDs, the duo will be taking over the Rock Club on Thursday, August 30, headlining a show of carefully selected death and doom metal bands. JUCIFER’s live show has minimalistic instrumentation, with Gazelle Amber Valentine’s harsh female vocals and massive chugging guitars, coupled with the heavy hitting drums of her…
7/31/12 Nachmystium Show Pictures
Drug Honkey
DRUG HONKEY Formed: Chicago, 1999 Genre: Experimental Death/Doom Metal Chicago doomers DRUG HONKEY will be gracing us with their presence on July 31, opening up for local powerhouse black metal band, NACHTMYSTIUM. DRUG HONKEY has just released their fourth full-length album titled “Ghost in the Fire,” featuring ten tracks of trudging supernatural noise coupled with Paul “Honkey Head” Gillis’ anguished snarls. Thick with electronics, delay, and fuzz, DRUG HONKEY creates the rhythmic, hypnotizing atmosphere one typically associates with black metal,…
Exhumed 10/30/11
Thanks John Mourlas for the awesome photos of Exhumed at Reggies on 10/30/11 See all of the pictures on John’s website.