The PreMadonnas are currently one of the hottest and fastest rising original rock acts in Chicago’s music scene. They are often quoted as “a breath of fresh air” and “something the masses just need to get a glimpse of” by the people who get to see The PreMadonnas do what they do best.
The PreMadonnas are an all-original rock band that is doing everything they can to get their songs heard by anyone who has a pair of ears. Currently working on their second EP, The PreMadonnas will go on to extensive gigging in Chicago as well as the surrounding area’s hottest venues to support Chicago’s ‘best there is to offer.’ At the same time, they will continue working on their debut album.
The history of how this band called The PreMadonnas was formed is a fascinating story in itself that stretches across the globe. The PreMadonnas have some of the best musicians from many different camps and styles. They are all in one unique band that now has a sound that is completely their own and unchallenged.
Because of the band’s diversity and unity in the sound they create, The PreMadonnas seem to have the ability to unify the audiences that they attract.
By having a vast array of songs and members who together call themselves The PreMadonnas, there is no doubt of what this band will achieve when they are given a true opportunity to show it to the masses. The PreMadonnas are now ready to take this a step further onto a global scale. Are you ready for us? We’re ready for you.
If you are a listener or someone who can help The PreMadonnas get heard, please visit and share us on the web! Stay tuned for what lies ahead for The PreMadonnas!!!!