A “bodega” is Spanish slang word for a “corner store” open practically 24/hours a day. It carries all the goods you would ever think to need and comes in handy when most needed. “BAM” is the common acronym for “by any means”. Ladies and gentlemen. MeetBodega Bamz, born Nathanial De La Rosa.
In 2010 Spanish Harlem birthed the TANBOYS, a movement created by rapper Bodega Bamz and others close to him such as brother Ohla and rapper WILLIE HEX – who you can listen to on some of Bamz’ tracks such as “P.A.P.I.” However, before we continue, I encourage you to think about what a “tanboy” is.
We were all very familiar with Terror Squad back in the late 90′s right? You know, the Bronx-based hip-hop collective originated by the late great Big Pun, Fat Joe, Cuban Link and Triple Seis? In case you aren’t familiar, have been living in a box or were born just a few years ago, they were the epitome of Latin rap. They formed in 1998 and in 2007, Terror Squad signed to Koch Records. They represented the Hispanic culture for every Latino that indulged in the lyricism of rap, but like many movements the squad would eventually part ways and venture off into other directions. Consider this history lesson concluded.
Inspired by the demeaning words used when referencing the bunch, rapper Bodega Bamz and the rest of his squad cultivated a movement that’s been making quite the noise in NYC. Today Latins all around the nation wear a “tandana” (a tan bandana) to represent the Latin pride, while some have even tattooed the word “P.A.P.I.” on themselves in order to represent. Consider it a modern day Terror Squad if you will, though not to compare the two.