Disclaimer: Band bios are lame and boring. What follows is a self-awarely lame and boring band bio. Just picture a continuous cycle of exploding kittens in your mind’s eye as you read/skim the following.
After all meeting at college in the corn and soybean desert that is rural Illinois, Josh, Brady, Steve and Carter were all part of party pros Marcos and the Mack Daddys, playing house parties, DIY shows and the occasional bar. Pleasantly surprised at how much people liked their incoherent, chaotic party jams, MMDs kept adding members until there were like 18 or something. Ok, 7. With members graduating and not graduating and being spread out over the midwest, a more concise band was formed: Stoplight Jones.
There was Steve on keys/synthbass and vocals, Brady on guitar and vocals, Carter on drums and Joshua on sexophone (sic), the band decided they needed an actual electric bass, too. Turns out Joshua found one in his basement and discovered he could play it without ever touching it before, so now he plays bass and saxophone. Brady also discovered that he had a budding talent on the most versatile of instruments: the kazoo. There are so many lies in the last two sentences.
So they took some of the best of the Mack Daddys material, outfitted it for the newfound foursome of ladykillers, added killer new material, and things came together nice and easy. The musical part was the easiest. Naming the band was the difficult part, mostly because nobody else in the band liked the best band name ever thought of, “The Popemobile.” Whatever man.
Stoplight Jones will play wherever there are people who dig good music, and occasionally welcomes the Mack Daddys’ powerhouse female vocalist Andrea Dunn to the stage because damn, have you heard that bad girl sing?