Royal Outsiders (previously The Central Standard) are an alternative indie rock band from Chicago, IL. After meeting in college, founders Steven Phillips (lead guitar) Alex Garrison (lead vocalist) began jamming in small campus apartments off and on for several years. Soon after graduating, the duo began collaborating on new original material in a Illinois suburban basement. After an introduction from a coworker, the two met with acclaimed producer Sean O’Keefe and began discussing recording a self-funded EP. A month later the duo completed production on their debut EP and quickly added new members Mike Bronk (bass), Manny Miller (rhythm guitar) and Jack McKee (drums) to complete the outfit.
Under the name Royal Outsiders, the band has began writing new material in the same basement the original duo began their first material. Influenced by an eclectic mix of genres ranging from southern inspired rock and blues to modern indie rock, the band has continued to hone in on its sound with the goal to record a full length album in the near future. Armed with new material, the band has begun to make waves in the Chicago music scene with aspirations of making its footprint known on a national basis.