“A magical adventure of film and music, unlike any movie-concert I have ever seen.”
-Edinburgh Fringe Festival review
«Right in the Eye is more than a showcase of the silent films of Georges Méliès, it is more than a showcase of modern music performed live. Rather, it is the perfect synthesis of the two, where Georges Méliès’ films and the live performance of Jean-François Alcoléa’s music perfectly complement each other »
– Cultural voice of North Carolina
Right in the Eye – En plein dans l’œil
A creation by Jean-François Alcoléa
Based of Georges Méliès’ Films
Concept, musical compositions and sound creation, keyboard, strings
structure, melodica, objects: Jean François Alcoléa
Drum, guitar: Fabrice Favriou
Sound, keyboard, percussions, objects: Thomas Desmartis
Light manager, video: Mathieu Lucas