GLB is a rap crew comprised of Low Key, King P, Savage, & N-Nasense. The crew has been making music together for one year but they have all known each other for years, which contributes to how well mesh together.
King P, Low Key, and Savage all met in high school and N-Nasense and King P are cousins. N-Nasense is a solo artist, while King P, Low Key, & Savage are apart of the group T.T.E. / G.L.B stands for GANG LAND BREED, the name refers to the mentality & conditioning of the group and their surroundings, all of the members are born & raised in Chicago, Il. or Chiraq (as many refer to it now) . Being born and raised in the hood of a city that has more murders in one year than there were in Iraq in 4 years takes a toll on you outlook of the world around you.
GLB doesn’t want to glorify this negative connection of Chicago but, they did want to be true to their experiences and they needed a name that represents the conditions in their city, They are the voice of whats going on today & regardless of their experiences, they are a product of their environment & their mix-tape “Gangland” which was released Jan 16th 2013 and is hosted by Hustlenomics.
This mix-tape is highly anticipated & includes the hustlers anthem ” Stop Playin” which has already garnered over 25,000 views in only two weeks since it’s debut, which is an excellent sign of the series buzz around this crew. Look for big things from GLB in the future.