“Wolf Blood is indeed that brutal–’brutal’ as in smack-your-face loud rock-n-roll, amps on fire, packed house, broken glass, cops-breaking-up-the-party brutal.” –Homegrown Music Festival Field Guide, 2014

Formed in a dank basement during one of the coldest winters on record in Duluth, Minnesota, guitarist Mike Messina and drummer Jake Paulsrud (Dirty Horse/Dad’s Acid) started writing psycho-sludge experiments that sounded too stoned to be metal, and too baneful to be indie-rock. They recruited renown hard-core guitar sorceress Mindy Johnson (The Keep Aways) and magi-roots bassist Brian Wells (Dirty Horse) to flesh-out the menacing sound, and Wolf Blood came to life.

Their seven-song recording debut opens with the haunting single Witch. From there…you’re on your own for the next 35 feral, blood stained minutes.


“Witch Ripper take those Mastodon moments where the band is both heavy AND proggy and extrapolate them into full songs, and the results are positively excellent.” – VN of MetalSucks

“The vocals to me sound like if Scott Kelly and Brent Hinds had a homosexual love baby that learned only how to be awesome” – Miasma

“Witch Ripper channels the power of the riff at high-megawatt levels of addictive hookiness, but the music also delivers layers of memorable melodic complexity that make it stand out from the stoner crowd. You’ll be swallowed up in hard-rocking, hard-rolling jams one minute, stomped-on hard the next, and swimming off on astral streams the next. Also, it’s thick as a brick and heavy as fuck.” – I.S.Lander of NO CLEAN SINGING



Since the release of their highly acclaimed sophomore 2011 album, Living With the Ancients, Blood Ceremony has been recognised as an internationally regarded live act. Having played main support toGhost on the majorly successful ‘13 Dates of Doom’ US tour, they concluded their debut headline European tour with a sell-out show in London.

After these live performances, Blood Ceremony enclosed themselves within a dank, tomb-like chamber to begin preparations for their third album. After a mind-numbing spell in the analogue womb of Toronto’s ProGold Studios, the band is now ready to unveil their newest, and most accomplished, musical offering:The Eldritch Dark.

Recorded and mixed by producer Ian Blurton (Cauldron, Cursed) and mastered by Canadian recording legend Nick Blagona (Deep Purple, Rainbow, Crazy World of Arthur Brown), The Eldritch Dark is a full-length paean to the darker corners of folklore and legend. Containing eight tracks of black magic rock ‘n’ roll, the album crackles with the excitement of a nocturnal ritual.

Tales of witch-cult gatherings in wooded glens, pacts made in torch-lit abbeys and Victorian magic are accompanied by vintage-style hard rock riffs, snaking bass lines and stirring flute melodies.The Eldritch Dark also sees the band exploring a more folkier side of their sound; most evident in the hymn-like Lord Summerisle and the murderous early Fairport Convention tinged folk-rock epic, Ballad of the Weird Sisters. 19th century sorcerer, Oliver Haddo, makes a return appearance in the riff-hypnotic album closer,The Magician.


Coven is an American rock band with occult lyrics formed in the late 1960s.


Heavy, Low, & Witchy. Frayle is a doom band from Cleveland USA. They draw their inspiration from bands like Sleep, Portishead, Bjork, Kyuss, & Black Sabbath, Frayle makes music for the night sky.


Imagine you are a celestial traveler powering through the blinding lights at the end of the tunnel into the next world, crossing barriers of space and time without fear. Interdimensional shamanic sludge rockers Forming the Void are here to conjure an ecstatic trip of atmospheric wonder and immerse you in waves of psychedelia.

Topping the August Doom Charts, their fourth effort ‘Rift’ evokes the progressive and heavy tendencies of Mastodon and Torche, the psychedelic and soaring melodies of Pink Floyd, and rolling approach of Soundgarden. Swamp mud stuck to their feet as they trudge from South Central Louisiana, Forming the Void aren’t afraid to slow things to a crawl.

Their otherworldly sound has earned them spots on large festivals such as Psycho Las Vegas, Denver’s Electric Funeral Fest, EndHipEndIt, Stoner Jam at SXSW, Descendants of Crom, and Maryland Doom Fest. Transcend through space and time with Forming the Void as they traverse the cosmic murk.


Four guys playing the loudest and heaviest hard rock!!!



There are approximately seven million indie bands operating on planet Earth as of yesterday…..we are one of them.



Ganser is a Chicago-based band equal parts Space Odyssey and Ghost World. Embracing a post-punk ethos with no wave’s minimal intimacy, they draw inspiration from visual language commonly associated with film and the shared art backgrounds of members Nadia Garofalo, Alicia Gaines, Brian Cundiff, and Charlie Landsman.
In 2018, Ganser released their debut LP Odd Talk (via No Trend Records), to favorable coverage from The New York Times, Billboard, Stereogum, and other publications. Building on their dissociative disorder namesake, the music is sometimes frenzied (“PSY OPS”), sometimes contemplative (“Revel”), probing on questions of anxiety, intimacy, and avoidance. Ganser continues to make bright black music for space transmissions and panic attacks, recently releasing single “Pastel,” which led to their inclusion on numerous year-end lists.
The Linecutters


The Linecutters are a three-piece band from the east valley that have been infecting the Phoenix area with their ska/punk infused sound one show at a time.


Pigs Blood



Horrible Person – Vocals
Hideous Destruktor/Goat Tryant – Lead Guitar
B.G. Blood Lunatic – Guitar
DrugPervertDeathHammer – Drums
S.M. Warstarter – Bass


The reanimated corpse of Of Corpse spewing forth from Seattle Washington.


Philadelphia’s PISSGRAVE, one of the rawest, most depraved, immoral, and violent bands in present-day death metal follow up their 2015 “Suicidal Euphoria” debut LP with their new sophomore LP “Posthumous Humiliation”, an album even more dark, surreal, violent, and perverted than its infamous predecessor.

One again produced by Arthur Rizk, “Posthumous Humiliation” will cement PISSGRAVE’s reign in America’s underground death metal scene as not only one of the most sadistic death metal bands today but also one of the most singular bands in the genre (with the band’s live show attesting to such a claim respectively). Where PISSGRAVE’s slab of nauseating death metal terror is unlike anything going on in the scene today, pushing the sonic thresholds of the genre to new vomit-inducing levels.

“Posthumous Humiliation” ultimately is a disturbing and intense listen, a sonic skullfucking devoid of amusement and pleasure and a celebration of pure torment and misery.


“Drowned in Filth” rehearsal demo. Released on cassette by Headsplit Records in 2012

“The Webs of Horror” Ep released in 2014 by Headsplit Records


Druid Lord arose from the mists in what is known by most as the year 2010. Whispers of demented souls throughout mankind’s short history formed a swirling pool of tortured and disturbing tales from which Druid Lord chose to derive their dreadful and woebegotten songs. With visions of the most insidious humans and their macabre rituals of pure evil Druid Lord began the foundation of what would soon come to be known as the Druid Death Cult. The foundation on which this death cult would be built would soon come to be understood as a twisted embodiment of both doom metal AND death metal. In doing so, Druid Lord drew the attention of not only the residents of this world but the feared attention of those inhabitants who reside in a world less-often visited. Unbeknownst to the members of Druid Lord these inhabitants reached through the long closed door between these two realms and took control of their fates. What began as a desperate attempt to channel the misery they had experienced by telling others with their music eventually exploded into a full scale onslaught of all humankind. Druid Lord’s members Pete Slate (lead/rhythm gtr), Elden Santos (drums), Tony Blakk (bass/vocals) and Chris Wickein (rhythm/lead gtr) knew the musical style of Druid Lord must be darker, heavier and much, much more punishing than anything to come before them. No, Druid Lord isn’t simply a doom band- nor just a death metal band. Druid Lord is a maniacal amalgamation of the two heaviest metals to surface in the cess pool of humanity. Doom/Death metal lives!!!

Hallowed Halls


Rock and Roll from Chicago, IL



Pulchra Morte (ˈpul.kʰra / ˈmɔr.te) – comprised of Adam Clemans (Skeletonwitch, Wolvhammer), John Porada (Wolvhammer, Abigail Williams), Jarrett Pritchard(Eulogy), Clayton Gore (Eulogy, Harkonin), and Jeffrey Breden (Leagues Below) – began in 2017 with the idea to rekindle a feeling that has become increasingly scarce in the dense landscape of extreme music today – formation of songs containing weight, atmosphere and feeling.

2019 began with the release of The critically-acclaimed debut album Divina Autem Et Aniles and continued with the performance of many shows throughout, including the Full Terror Assault Open Air Vfestival, as well as several sold-out shows in support of the 1349 / Uada / Cloak North American tour. We spent the majority of the year composing material for our follow-up album, entering the studio in September to begin work in earnest. While DAEA explored the many facets of death, for our next effort we wanted to pull the veil back a bit and expose more of our collective path and intention.

Ex Rosa Ceremonia, with cover art featuring a photo by Brian Sheehan/LGRDMN, conceptually refers to a need for a mental and spiritual renaissance. Looking back throughout history, there have been movements that inspired and created many metaphysical systems and philosophies that, upon deeper inspection, led us forward as a species in many ways, though hidden behind the curtain of magical order and secret society. As the near-sighted corral the blind and the masses happily stab their third eye with a constant diet of blue light among other things, we have arrived at a time that begs deeply for the need of an expanded consciousness. We see masses being led by the governing of robotic suggestions to align with your enemy based on alarmist response-seeking propaganda. A world of experts lacking substance, clamoring for the dopamine endorphin-guzzling pastime that becomes a virtual existence for many. Words like “influencer” and “trending” that are spoken instead of vomited, as they should be. The suggestion to “get in line” or be destroyed through character assassination. The record speaks of the power of unity when like minds join, the strength of a creature like us with nothing to lose when tenacity is put to the test with no alternative conceivable. People have become willingly blind to the power of the human mind when it is quieted and directed, when the bulb of the strobe light effect of media blitz hypnosis is smashed. The power of focus and purpose. And the rose of ceremony.

For ERC, drums were recorded to tape in the analog environment of Earth Analog studios (Clayton uses Pearl Drums, Paiste Cymbals, ACD pedals, Vater sticks). Guitars, bass, vocals, cellos, and everything else was recorded at New Constellation RMP (Jarrett and Jeff use ESP guitars, SIT strings, and Fowl Sounds pedals). The album was produced, engineered, and mixed by Jarrett Pritchard on New Constellation’s 1983 Trident 80B desk. Mastering was courtesy of Maor Appelbaum at Maor Appelbaum Mastering. The album features a guest lead from Jay Fernandez (Brutality), guest vocals from Heather Dykstra, cello once again courtesy of Naarah Strokosch, and backing vocals from a gang of dozens of folks known collectively as…

The Serpent’s Choir:
Jim Adolphson, Archaon, Jason Avery, Corey Barhorst, Dylan Barnes-Trout, Caleb Bergen, Jason Blackerby, Chase Brown, Mike Browning, Maria Burheim, Noah Cabitto, Matt Castro, Mike Connors, Blaine Cook, Vanessa Cordoba, Josh Crouse, Ross Dolan, Kim Dylla, Charles Elliott, Diane Farris, Damiano Fedeli, Andrew Gerrity, Matt Harvey, Dan Horton, Ryan Huff, John Jarvis, Øyvind Kaslegard, Espi Kvlt, Bruce Lamont, Jared Louche, Chris Lytle, Sage MacDonald, Scott MacDonald, Danielle Masek, Matt McClelland, Rob Miller, Karen Milligan, Sean Milligan, Erika Morgengrau, Jamey Morris, Nick Oliveri, Ravn, Billy C. Robinson, Blood Slaughter, Tor Stavenes, Jake Superchi, Eric Syre, Jeff Tandy, Scott Taysom, Oliver Thiel, Kyle Thomas, Mike Thompson, Terry Thornton, Tim Van Velthuysen, Rob Verret, Kevin Warhaft, Matt Wilson.

As it was in the beginning, the idea remains the same – feeling, atmosphere, songwriting, and weight with unabashed creativity above all else. We are in an excellent spot. We have the ability to create and record as often as we like, and will do exactly that.


Thantifaxath is a Canadian black metal band based in Toronto, Ontario. The band, which is signed to Dark Descent Records, consists of three anonymous members.

The band released their self-titled EP in 2011. The band’s debut album, Sacred White Noise, was released on April 15, 2014 via Dark Descent Records. The band premiered the album’s opening track, “The Bright White Nothing at the End of the Tunnel” via Soundcloud in February 2014, which gained attention from art and music websites such as Vice, BrooklynVegan and Sputnikmusic. The track “Where I End & the Hemlock Begins” was also released on Soundcloud.

In 2014, the band started touring with New York-based black metal band Castevet in North America. Despite touring, the band maintains its anonymity.

The band’s music has been described as “a batch of incendiary, discordant and blistering black metal.”On the band’s debut album, Doug Moore of Invisible Oranges wrote: “Sacred White Noise is both artsy and rooted in black metal, it’s pristinely performed, beautifully recorded, and far more expansive than any typical black metal album.” He also described it as “a thematically and harmonically frightening” record, while stating: “Progressive rock and outré noise run flanking maneuvers around the edges of a truly vicious frontal assault that borders on death metal in gravity.”

Silent Monolith


Silent Monolith are purveyors of American slacker rock hailing from Nashville, TN.

Silent Monolith is:
KJ – Guitar/Vocals
Nate – Bass
Shania – Guitar



2018 Recording Band:
Jim Gustafson- Lead Vocals/ Guitar/ Songwriter/ Bass/Harp/Founding Member///…
Lori Powers- Percussion/ Vocals///…
Drums-Mike Fortino ///
Stage Manager,Techs-
David Harker,
Mike Kelley
Bass Subs: Daniel Tharp, Kevin McIlvaine, Woody Hupp

In Memorian Ken Watt rip, Husband of AnnaMarie Watt



Hate Force


Dystopian Death Metal

Forest Never Wakes


Midwestern roots with a gothic twist.

Murphy's Lawyer


Chris Murphy, leader and founder of Murphy’s Lawyer, is at home on the stage. He engages his audience with a commanding voice, driving guitar and natural wit as he shares his original music along with heartfelt interpretations of classic Irish folk songs.

Stoned Evergreen Travelers


Stoned Evergreen Travelers is a hellbilly rock band from Tacoma WA.



this “gruesome twosome” (Perlich Post) is a stripped down, juke-joint blues band that will make you drink n’ sweat til you can’t drink n’ sweat no more. make catl proud.

Sierra Ferrell


The first time I met Sierra, she asked me to dance at the Honky Tonk Tuesday night at the American Legion in Nashville. Of course i’d heard of her before – from various traveling bands and vagabonds who told me of her amazing old time singing and habit of blowing into (and out of) town.A jingle-janglin gypsy tornado of sound that doesn’t seem to care what the rules are, new & old fused seamless.

We The Heathens


When we find a sound we like, we try to some how find a way to play it on acoustic instruments. this band kinda formed out of nowhere.

Joecephus and the George Jonestown Massacre


The link between Merle Haggard and Motorhead!

Bridge City Sinners


The Bridge City Sinners are a rowdy folksy mosaic of banjo, ukulele, saw, clarinet, guitar, upright bass, & boot stoppin’ fever from Portland, Oregon.

Samm Bones


Samm bones, a traveler, writer and musician. Fresh off of her debut album release, “Can’t Sit Still.” Her music sews her heart on her sleeve, to go along with her Carhartts and lace. Telling tales of ragged travel. You can feel the strength of her life story through the rasp in her voice and powerful lyrics. If she’s not getting lost in the wild of Alaska, she’s probably touring in a town near you!

Rent Strike


Lansing, MI based lyric-driven DIY punk rock. Highfalutin and heavy, irreverent and playfully nihilistic, RENT STRIKE delivers on a promise that no one asked them to make.

Davey Dynamite & The Salt Creek Duo




The original Crust Folk Established 2012 in Chicago, IL

Modern Mal


“Modern Mal are what might happen if blurry reincarnations of Leonard Cohen and Dolly Parton hooked up to form a bent Americana band in the Michigan north woods“
Apes Of The State


Apes of the State is an independent folk-pop-punk band from Lancaster, PA.

We are a bunch of kids who really aren’t kids anymore trying to do this music thing and just be happy in life.

Jesse and 40rty's One Man Band


40RTY, (pronounced, ˈfɔrti ) is a barefoot, beer soaked, outlaw folk punk singer based in Louisville, Kentucky. Combining traditional American clawhammer banjo with the defiance, abrasiveness and high-energy of modern punk rock, 40RTY takes no prisoners, as he holds audiences captive with his often paradoxical, yet deeply personal lyrics and intense banjo riffs. If music is the canvas on which a musician paints a picture, 40RTY’s music is a cracked mirror, where he shares his own reflections and stories from a life of struggle that has known: love, war, pain and friendship, all from under the boot of working class mediocrity.

Rock Bottom String Band


Formed in Central Texas in 2013, Rock Bottom String Band coalesced from a series of backyard jams and carport hangouts. Driven by DIY work ethic and an inclination toward the rowdier side of the genre, this indy, 5 piece, non-traditional bluegrass outfit has carved out a sound of it’s own they like to call “Boozegrass”. They have toured all across the United States, and bit in Mexico, with a live performance that leaves a lasting impression some have described as “the Beastie Boys of Bluegrass” or “Hee-Haw on acid”. Over the course of their time together the band has recorded 2 full length albums of original material, with a third forthcoming, and opend for notable acts from Emmylou Harris to the Dead Kennedys. With three singer/songwriters and multitude of musical influences, Rock Bottom String Band is connecting with wide ranging audiences from concert halls to bar room brawls, with no signs of slowing. Always forward. Never straight. RBSB til we die!

Unity Rise


Riot Folk from South Florida


Milwaukee Wisconsin Death Metal band. Formed in 1988.
Discography :
1st album ~ Expound & Exhort
2nd album ~ Passage
EP ~ a pure formality


Grindcore band from Mexico.
Founded in summer 1987 by by Adolfo (drums) and Pancho (bass & vocals).


Grindcore band from Poland. Formed in April 1994.


Blood – Grindcore + Death Metal from Speyer since 1986

Cloud Rat


Grinding to various degrees since 2009. Have put out many records and toured many places thanks to the help of many good friends. Curse ignorance, commit to the Void. Long live friendship.


Though the band has generally flown under the radar, Gavle, Sweden’s GADGET has roots that trace back to 1997. The band have always included influences from every genre they’ve been fond of, like doom, sludge, hardcore punk, death metal, black metal and more, never letting genre boundaries stand in their way. GADGET have proven themselves to be a relentless force live as well as on record.
The Core


Sci-fi-inspired instrumental shred metal. With lasers.

On The Sun


And, on the 7th day, the Lord made Rock-n-Roll.

This Pine Box


This Pine Box was founded in spring of 2016 by Jake Knight (vocals/guitar).The band recorded and released their self titled EP, recorded by Phil Mehaffey at CyberTecknics in Dayton, Ohio. The EP gained traction when late radio station, WNKU featured tracks from the EP into rotation. In January 2017, This Pine Box was selected to be “Artist of the Month” by WNKU. During this time, the band added lead guitarist, Joe Tellmann and started recording their debut album. The band stayed busy, and performed multiple shows including Fountain Sqaure Concert Series, Uptown Music in Oxford, Ohio, and closing the inaugural Belleweather Festival following the performance by the Flaming Lips. The band released their debut album, “The Way Out,” in November 2018 with vinyl under Soul Step Records. The current lineup consists of Jake Knight (vocal/guitar), Joe Tellmann (guitar), Kevin Patrick (bass), and JP Demmel (drums).

Dangerous Chairs


Eclectic Dark Rock from the people who brought you Big Baby.

Vocals – Little Dave Merriman
Guitar/Vocals – Jim Mertz
Guitar/Vocals – Andy Cline
Bass/Vocals – Chris “The Kid” Landefeld
Drums – Brian Fee



“Disparager are from Brooklyn, New York and play metal or hardcore, or post-rock, or whatever you want to call it. Above all else though, Disparager are fucking badass. ” – Pure Grain Audio



Bellringer is the live vehicle for the music and collaborations of Mark Deutrom, based out of Austin, Texas.

Mark Deutrom, played with Clown Alley, Melvins, and SunnO))) and produced records for Neurosis, RKL, Raw Power, Melvins, and others.