Herego is the old quilt on your mother’s couch in the house that you grew up in. Like an old familiar friend, it curls around you with an odor reminiscent of gingerbread and perfume. You know Herego; it has been a part of your life for as long as you can remember. Indeed, it has been a bud in the mind of this folk duo for as long as they’ve known what the calloused feel of guitar strings against the pads of their fingers is. It was in the beginning of a New England autumn that neither had experienced before that Erin and Chris met and began a journey that spanned broken strings and broken relationships to connect to first form a solid friendship, and then a brilliant musical duo. Like the cold nights of October, Herego is the wool sweater you pull on before walking amongst the reddened, dropping leaves; intense, yet caressing, commanding and promising.