Grace Bahler


Grace Bahler (she/her) is a Chicago-based writer and comic. You can see her every Tuesday hosting Laugh Factory’s open mic or at various clubs around the city and Midwest region. Bahler currently writes for Reductress, Awf Mag, and the BOB & TOM Show. She is a graduate of Second City’s Conservatory as of 2021. 

Bahler started performing in 2018 on a whim when she decided it was really fun and she kinda wanted to keep doing it? Soon thereafter, she opened for Ronny Chieng in Indianapolis before heading to Chicago like a beautiful little fool. After spending six months taking classes at The Second City and interning for “Highly Recommended” (a Laugh Factory show she’d go on to later co-produce for eight months), Bahler went back up to Montreal to finish her Bachelor of Arts at McGill University. There, she performed stand-up at The Comedy Nest and La P’tite Grenouille and played with The Pit Improv and Bring Your Own Juice sketch group. Around the time she graduated in 2019, Bahler was hired by Reductress as a contributing writer and not long after started writing monologue jokes for the nationally-syndicated BOB & TOM Show.

As for upcoming projects, she’s currently working on her first feature-length screenplay and has recently taken on producing The Rambler (Wednesdays in Lincoln Square). It’ll take her forever to update this website, so follow her on Twitter @sooospontaneous or Instagram @veryspontaneous (she’s sooooooo spontaneous).