

 when he died i cried for months
he was my best friend
i think about him a lot
now I just dont want to cry so much anymore
lots of horrible things happen to us all
friends and lovers move on or drop dead, everything changes right under our feet, just when you start to understand you realize that you have no clue, it slips away. But all this pain and conflict allows us to come back with a bigger heart, with the ability to laugh in the face of any demon, to expose yourself, literally and metaphorically, to anything and feel good about it and yourself.
Life is shit and if we all wink and laugh then we can enjoy the ephemeral moments that bring us pleasure.
music brings me that pleasure so i try and do it as much as possible in my short and puerile time on this earth ive done a lot writing for pop stars, writing for movies, writing for fun, writing for pieces of shit getting ripped off, getting dropped, getting rejected, kicked out and slammed receiving accolades, receiving love, receiving money, sex, sad sixty nines, connecting deeper and deeper than deep
ive loved all of it. every second. the whole reason for all of this, for myself, is to make music. its not everything, not even close, but its everything to me. ive found something that can be my everything and if i stop i know that is when i really will cry forever.
not to say that this lightens the load in any way, in fact if anything it makes it heavier and more complex in addition to all that im an insomniac with a fluctuating fetish or two, never had any use for sanity, dont have any money, living makes me feel just as bad as it does good, i wish everyone would leave me alone and at the same time i get malignantly lonely. i havent slept in two weeks and im writing this at four in the morning
what am i trying to say? what is this about? i just want to be happy and feel good we play love songs cuz we feel bad and it makes us feel good
babes is
aaron billy leigh
sarah rayne leigh
zach whatever leigh
jeffrey john baird
bryan jeffrey harris