Beginning life in 1992, this Windy City force came together when Ricks’ Yifrach and McCoy as well as a host of others took their love for atmosphere, melody, and metal, creating something akin to the early releases put forth by their European counterparts such as old Paradise Lost, and even took influence from artists like Dead Can Dance, Loreena MacKennit, and Cranes. While Avernus’ first demo “A Delicate Tracery Of Red” was a measure of imbalance and inexperience, their second demo, the legendary “Sadness” propelled the band’s name throughout the underground like wildfire, making Avernus a force to contend with.

While said releases were a potent mix of death metal, doom, and cinematic atmosphere, the bands’ sound became like a chameleon, ever changing, and in 1997, MIA/OLYMPIC recordings released their debut album “Of the Fallen” which showcased a sound closer resembling Goth rock than the dark atmospheric metal Avernus became known for. The band also became notorious more for their ever changing line-up that often provided their ever changing sound, but despite the revolving door of members, Avernus still soldiered on, and despite many a hiatus, they managed to record material here and there, while never officially releasing them. That changed when Cursed Productions gave the world the much sought Sadness demo, alongside numerous hard to find and never released recordings entitled “Where The Sleeping Shadows Lie” which turned out to be a huge success and the last proper offering from the band.

In 2009, founding member and vocalist/guitarist Rick McCoy put the band into hibernation.

In fall 2012, the band reunited to perform the “Sadness” demo EP for a special performance with Macabre in Chicago. The fantastic energy from the rehearsal sessions and show inspired the band to pursue making new music. The band is currently writing brand new material to be released in 2013.

Avernus wishes to thank all those great people that have stood by us since our inception, we love you all… BERWYN!