WaxOn WaxOff Spinner

WaxOn WaxOff Spinner

Our second evening of open turntables was a success, and I think this thing here to stay. Thanks to host DJ Devon and everyone who came out last night for Wax On Wax Off in the Music Joint. We had a wide variety of grooves going on. The sets were filled with rare 60s Soul and Blues, early 80s College Punk, 70s Reggae Beats, late 60s American Rock, late 80s Club Rock, and current Mixes– all anchored by Devon and his historic collection of Honky Tonk Country. We hope to see everyone out again on Wed Feb13. If you missed the first two nights of Wax On Wax Off, be sure to RSVP your table time with Elle or just drop in with your vinyl to get in on the groove. Now, if your mother sold your records in a garage sale long ago, you can still run upstairs to Record Breakers where you can probably buy them all back and listen to them again in the Music Joint. Remember to check the website as we set up more dates for WOWO in March and beyond !