four guys with nothin better to do than to bastardize metal music Hail!Hornet is a warning that southern sludge is getting thicker and meaner, and no matter how tight you wear your boots, it’s going to lock hold and suck your ass right on in. You can conjure in your mind what Hail!Hornet is going to sound like on paper, but they exceed your expectations by twisting chains around their knuckles and smashing windows, bricks and teeth on their self-titled debut album, one that loops theories from each of its constituents and creates a bare-boned, bourbon-breathed (to paraphrase “He Who Walks Behind the Rose Bros.”) swamp rat of an album that’s going to be mandatory for the mud mutants who trip out on this stuff. … Ray Van Horn jr. … A long running rumor of a band previously called Vagabond that came to light in the spring/ summer of 2006. Here’s how it went – Troy asks Vince, Vince asks Erik, Troy asks Dixie, all say yes ! Vince gathers Riffs and lights off the MIG 100, Erik beats the Christ out of the drums and Dixie drinks bourbon and bitch-slaps the Fender ‘P’…then we all drink bourbon ! Troy spits blood, we all drink more bourbon ! Get chased out of shed by hornets that Dixie pissed off… hence the name …more bourbon. Mission accomplished !